CSTEBOKE SC31T SE Review – High CRI & Dual Switches

Contents The Boring Stuff CSTEBOKE sent me this light in exchange for an honest review. Here is the official product page. At the time of writing, SC31T SE is going for $30, but there’s also a 20% off coupon currently on the product page, and code “10ISD39K” should get you an extra 10% off forContinue reading “CSTEBOKE SC31T SE Review – High CRI & Dual Switches”

Lumintop BLF GT94 Review – Totally Nuts

Contents The Boring Stuff Reddit user u/calmlikea3omb (infamous for throwing a Zebralight in a fire) lent me this light for review. Here is the official product page. Below are the official specs. This light isn’t available anymore and it’s been replaced by GT94X, which is basically the same thing but with fewer, larger batteries. WhatContinue reading “Lumintop BLF GT94 Review – Totally Nuts”